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While you own a website, the best offer that you can get is that of a cheap dedicated hosting service. As and when the trafficking of your website increases you will need a costly server which offers you the sped and other requirements needed by a big website. This costly website uses the technique of upgrade which goes along with the increasing trafficking of your website.
A cheap dedicated hosting service allows you to use the same server which is used by another website at the same time. While there are more websites which use the same server, the functioning of all the websites is affected adversely. This also decreases the speed of the website and prevents users from visiting the site again. In the worse cases, people cannot even get access to your website.
You might find this type of server very efficient in the beginning but eventually you may not find this as a viable option. This is due to the fact that the quality offered in the initial stages is very good. The level of quality as well as the price that is offered to different companies and websites varies. It also depends upon the intensity of competition in the marketing field in the internet.

The two types of cheap dedicated hosting are:

Virtual private server- this type of hosting service allows you to use the hosting rights of different other websites. These websites are the ones which are promoting and advertising for their products and services. In the same line of cheap hosting, this is the most economical option that you can select. As agreed upon at the time of hiring, you will be enabled to use certain resources and features. The advantage here is that there is few number of sharing websites and this does not decrease the speed of your website.

Dedicated cheap server- this type of a server is small and mainly used in the data centers and server farms. These are the types of servers which can be useful to only one user at a time. As the server is small, the price too is insignificant.